Sweet Memories
Date : Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Title : Yunnan - Places of Interest Kunming is also well known for its beautiful and peculiar, breathtaking and unique natural landscape. Among these dramatic sites, Yunnan Stone Forest , which is about 120 kilometers (75 miles) from Kunming city and requires only a three-hour drive, is known best by the tourists. These magnificent stone masterpieces, various strange and steep intricate formations, and countless labyrinthine vistas make Stone Forest (Shi Lin in Chinese) worthy of the fame as the 'First Wonder of the World'. Golden Temple is the largest copper temple in China. Here you can see something of the origins of Taoism as the temple is located on Fengming Hill, the home of the Taoist Taihe Palace (Hall of Supreme Harmony). Link to research: Labels: Yunnan - Places of Interest
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Title : Yunnan - Education System Education System In China, the education is divided into three categories: basic education, higher education and adult education. According to the Compulsory Education Law, each child will have nine years of formal education. Basic education includes pre-school, primary and regular secondary education. Preschool or kindergarten can last up to three years. Secondary education is split into academic secondary education and specialized/vocational/technical secondary education. Academic secondary education is delivered by academic lower and upper middle schools. Higher education at the undergraduate level includes 2 and 3 years junior colleges. Chinese higher education at the undergraduate level is divided into 3 and 4 years programs. Myriad higher education opportunities also fall under the general category of adult education. Adult education overlaps all three categories such as Adult primary education, adult secondary education and adult higher education. Labels: Yunnan - Education System
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Title : Yunnan - People of Yunnan With a population of 36 million, Yunnan has the most nationalities in the great family of China. There are 24 diverse minority nationalities, which include over 12 million people, constituting one third of the province's total population and one sixth of China's total minority population. They display their rich and distinctive features, such as the vastly different styles of buildings, the various colorful costumes and ornaments, the folk songs and dances brimming with idyllic flavors and very interesting marital customs. The predominate group is the Han as in China as a whole. While many languages are spoken and written by the different minorities Mandarin is the offical language. A very interesting but totally different from Chinese characters is the written language still practiced by the Naxi of Lijiang. Yunnan and Kunming in particular are home to many refugees from Viet Nam. These refugees started arriving in 1977 and today there are over 150,000 Vietnamese living in Kunming alone. Many more call the border area close to Viet Nam home. The Water Splashing Festival of the Dai, Torch Festival of the Yi and March Fair of the Bai are the main celebrations of these minorities. Labels: Yunnan - People of Yunnan
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Title : Yunnan - History and Geography of the province and capital, Kunming
Yunnan is a boarder province of China. It contains more variety than any other province, with towering, icy mountains adjoining Tibet and Burma in the northwest and west and lush tropical jungles bordering Laos and Vietnam in the south where wild elephants still roam. Yunnan is a part of the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau where the average elevation is 2,000 meters above sea level. From north to south, the height gradually drops from 6,700 meters at the peak of Meili Snow Mountain to 76 meters in the south close to Vietnam. Yunnan is the source of the Mekong River. It is planned to open the river for navigation sometime in the future. If this should happen cruise boats will arrive in Yunnan from ports on the Mekong River in Viet Nam, Laos and Kampuchea. Link to research:
Yunnan used to be an independent kingdom which was occupied by a large number of non-Chinese aboriginal peoples who lacked any strong political organization during the Qin and Han Dynasties (201BC-263AD). During the Tang Dynasty (618-906), the local minority Bai established a powerful kingdom, Nanzhao, south of Dali. It took control of a large slice of the south-west and established itself as a fully independent entity, dominating the trade routes from China to India and Burna. The Nanzhao kingdom fell in the Song Dynasty (960-1279)and was replaced by the kingdom of Dali (the name Dali has been used until today for the Bai Autonormas Prefecture). During the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368), Khubla Khan conquered the area. This part of the south-west was finally integrated into the empire as the province of Yunnan. During the Second World War Yunnan was the strong point of defense against the Japanese invaders. The "Burma Road" ended in Yunnan and the "Flying Tigers" earned their reputation flying military supplies and equipment into this province. After World War II Yunnan was largely spared the fierce fighting between the Communists and Nationalist/Imperialists with only a few small skirmishes taking place on Yunnan soil. Link to research:
Kunming belongs to a low-latitude monsoon climate, does not have bitter cold in winter or extreme heat in summer. The annual temperature averages around 14.5 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Link to research:
Kunming has a long history. Its present name "Kunming" was the sound of the title of an ethnic group residing in southwest China in ancient times. This group lived a nomadic life in west Yunnan and moved to settle in the area around the Dianchi Lake during the period from the Han to the Tang dynasties. At the outset of the Yuan Dynasty, the administration "Kunming Two Thousand Households" was established near the lake and the title of the group was first used to designate the place, a tradition which has lasted up to now. Link to research: Labels: Kunming, Yunnan - History and Geography of the province and capital
Date : Sunday, October 24, 2010
Title : Singapore (National Education) • In Singapore, English is the first language.
• Instruction for most subjects, especially for mathematics and sciences is in English. Secondary education 1. Students are placed in different education streams. ( Special, Express, Normal(Academic/Technical) ) 2. This distribution is based on one’s primary 6 PSLE results 3. Special and Express are four years courses leading up to GCE O’ Level 4. Normal is a four years course leading up to a Normal-level examination and followed by a fifth year for O’Level examination. 5. This stream is split into Normal (Academic) and Normal (Technical) 6. Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) are compulsory in secondary level 7. CCA s are usually categorizes under the following: • Uniform groups (e.g. NCC (National Cadet Corps), NPCC (National Police Cadet Corps), NCDCC (National Civil Defence Cadet Corps) etc.) • Performing Arts (e.g. Choir, Military Band, Chinese Orchestra, Dance etc.) • Clubs and Societies (e.g. Robotic, Media, Infocomm Clubs etc.) • Sport and Games (e.g. hockey, soccer, basketball, sepak takraw etc.) Link to address: Labels: Singapore (National Education)
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Title : AnNing Middle School 安宁中学是一所建筑宏大、硬件一流、风格别致、环境优美、质量上乘、人文气息浓郁的现代化学校;是安宁市政府于2005年在新城区投资1.2亿元高标准建设的一所公办学校;座落于安宁市新城区风景迤逦的“宁湖”之畔,距云南省省会城市昆明30公里。
安宁中学的前身——昆钢四中创办于1982年,2005年易址新建并更名为“安宁中学”。在以往的办学历程中,曾培养出云南省外语类高考状元和云南省文科高考第三名;2004年以来,连续四年高考成绩排名昆明市郊县区“第一”,连续四年荣获昆明市“高考质量优秀奖”;2007年经省教育厅评估,认定为云南省“一级二等完全中学”。学校还拥有“云南省文明学校”、“云南省教育科研实验学校”、“云南省现代教育技术实验学校”、“云南省绿色学校”、“全国中小学信息技术道德教育实验学校”等多项荣誉。 安宁中学注重对外学习与交流,与江苏新海中学和新加坡东景中学结为了友好学校,是“中美合作公民教育项目实验学校”,参加了瑞典国际合作开发署的环境教育项目。近三年来,学校共有63人次师生到美国、英国、新西兰、波兰、瑞典、阿根廷、泰国、新加坡考察学习或交流访问。 学校现有55个教学班,在校学生3019人,教职工193人;有特级教师1人,高级教师49人,一级教师74人。 Link to research: Labels: AnNing Middle School |